For private individuals

Your income tax return

With the help of DATEV Meine Steuern I prepare your income tax return for you and submit it to the tax office. Of course, this also includes checking tax assessment notices and lodging appeals as well as correspondence with the tax office. Have you given me a power to receive your tax assessment? Then I will receive your tax assessment notices directly from the tax authorities for checking.

You can exchange all relevant documents with me digitally via the online application or mobile app – simply and securely.

Your advantages:

  • Comfort: You record your tax-relevant documents digitally. I will provide you with an annually updated checklist for your income tax return, which we can go through together in advance if you wish.
  • Transparency: You can uplpad your documents in the client portal in a structured manner based on categories (e.g. rental, insurance, etc.) and access them.
  • Efficiency: You provide me with your tax-relevant documents independently of office opening hours and without additional travel.
  • Security: The secure exchange takes place via the DATEV cloud. Access is via the DATEV SmartLogin

Tax consulting

Based on my experiences, I particular provide tax advice in addition to tax returns. This includes, for example, support in setting up a business, clarifying tax issues relating to inheritance, property and pensions, and lodging legal appeals.

Tax advisor costs


DATEV Meine Steuern:

  • Übersichtsseite: LINK
  • Using DATEV Meine Steuern as client : LINK
  • Video – Setup (Smartlogin Setup): LINK 
  • Video – Using (providing of documents): LINK 


  • 48 tax relevant calculators: LINK
  • E-Rechnung – View attachment (activity report): LINK
  • Internationale Beschäftigung: LINK
  • Lohnsteuer Hilfeverein: LINK
  • Renter, Informationen zum Steuerrecht: LINK
  • Sozialversicherung, Statusfeststellung: LINK (Krankenversicherung) + LINK (Rentenversicherung)
  • Steuerberater Suche Online: LINK + LINK (Amtl. Verzeichnis)
